الخميس، 31 مارس 2011

101 Colors Shapes Activities

  الألوان و الأشكال مكون مهم يجب على الأطفال تعلمه هذا الكتاب يقدم الأشكال و الألوان ما يساعد الأطفال على التفاعل مع العالم المحيط بهم
Colors and shapes are essential components of the early childhood curriculum. They form a foundation for
geometry, patterning, and a variety of visual and spatial skills. As children see these concepts reflected in
the world around them, they become enthusiastic and engaged learners.
101 Colors and Shapes Activities is divided into eight chapters, each one reflecting an early childhood
curriculum area. You will find activities to foster the children’s social and emotional development,
language and literacy skills, and understanding of math concepts. You will also find science activities that
strengthen the children’s observation and reasoning skills, music and movement activities that get
everyone involved, and group art activities that inspire creativity and cooperation. There are also activities
for group dramatic play and activities to help children develop their fine and large motor skills. An Early
Childhood Standards Correlation on pages 4 and 5 will help you quickly identify activities when focus on
a specific skill is desired.
Young children love colors and shapes—and you will find endless opportunities for extending and
reinforcing these concepts throughout the day. The ideas in 101 Colors and Shapes Activities are only
the beginning.

الحجم : 1,11 م
النوع : بي دي اف

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